Friday, February 23, 2007

I'm gonna try something

So to begin...

Yesterday was a normal busy day. Fixing breakfast, cleaning the kitchen, answering "no" several times to a midmorning snack, starting school, fixing lunch, cleaning the kitchen, continuing school, forcing a nap for my 3 year old, still working on school, answering "no" to a midafternoon snack several times, visiting with my neighbor (who will be a constant character to my blogs) fixing dinner, cleaning the kitchen, giving baths, baking cookies, cleaning the kitchen, tucking the 3 angels into bed, and falling in exhaustion to my favorite spot on the couch. Here's the interesting husband came home from work, sat down at the computer to "follow his dream," simply turned his chair around to join us for dinner, ate, turned his chair back around to continue working on his "stuff," then sometime around 7:00 slipped off to bed never to be heard from again. This morning he was wondering if something was wrong with me because I wasn't talking much. I don't know. Is there something wrong with me for thinking that kind of behavior is a little weird?

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