Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy New Year

At first I thought my New Years resolution would be to post everyday in 2008. It is now day #8 and I have already failed. This is why I don't really do New Year's Resolutions. I am however going to read the Bible through this year. I have started this 5 or 6 years in a row now. I usually get about half way through Leviticus and never come back. Steve suggested I start in Leviticus this year. It's a good idea except it doesn't fit my type A- need to check off on the daily list. You know the list I am talking about: January 1: read Genesis 1-3, Matthew 1. Then it has a nice little box to check that you completed it. I love checking things off.

Generally, for the new year I would just like to do things better. Everything. I'd like to be a better writer, a better friend, a MUCH better wife, a MUCH better mother, a better bass player, a better housekeeper, a better cook, a better....you name it. I just want to do it better in 2008. I don't want my kids to carry the burden of my happiness. While they are still young, I am already starting to see the all too familiar need for them to make me happy. I don't want them to have that kind of pressure. I just want them to enjoy being a kid... my kid specifically.

I told Courtney today that she could not tape anymore Christmas decorations on the wall. So instead she glued them. Yes, glued colored construction paper to the wall. How does she do this without my knowing? I am with her all day!!

Christmas was great. The best gift the Merrick family received was a great nerf gun target shooting game. This has provided us with hours of fun. What a great invention. You can shoot your children and your husband without fear of going to jail. I really have way too much fun doing it. I especially love to sneak up on my unsuspecting family and shoot a nerf bullet at their unsuspecting backs. It provides for me a sick satisfaction as I startle them and they yell, "Mom we aren't even playing right now ."


Jodie said...

I was going into withdrawal! Finally, my thirst for happenings from the Merrick Clan has been quenched!

Here's how we can make our millions: We make a calendar for busy bloggers. Each day gives the blogger a topic on which to ponder / dwell / write. I'd buy it! Oh, wait, I suppose we would have to figure out how to box up time to blog and sell that, too, in order for it to be a full success.

The Noblett family also received a Nerf target set for Christmas. I hadn't thought about the therapeutic value of it until now...I am going to be so well-adjusted by the end of this week!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . A hug.

Anonymous said...

I too am happy now that my day has been filled with Merrick Clan happenings!!! Although I think we all need to see a picture of the artwork glued to the wall!
Jodie, LOVE the Blog Calendar idea!!! You girls make me want to start my own!