Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dreams and Other things to figure out

Last night I dreamt that I was driving fast on a mountainous road. I took a corner too fast and was thrown from the vehicle into a pile of rocks. (I'm sure the pile of rocks represents all of thw work I am trying to get done around here.) The only injury I sustained was a nasty gash on my head. The rest of the dream was a mix of me trying to play tennis, find a hospital and an occasional episode of vomiting on the side of the road. When I finally woke up from this bizarre dream, my head hurt on the side that supposedly was injured in the accident and I felt like I was going to throw up. I don't know what it all means, but I welcome any and all interpretations.

Steve has been extra busy lately. He is very happy, because he is working with people he respects and he is doing stuff for which he is gifted. He has been waking up early all this week to go to recording sessions at the Disney Studios for one of their upcoming DVD releases. (Jodie, he has had a part in the music of the next Pooh movie.) He is on cloud nine. I am happy for him.

We (Steve and I) had an interesting conversation with our neighbor the other night about cleanliness. I find it very necessary to have a clean or at least tidy house. Steve, on the other hand, thinks it is unnecessary to clean things that will be messed up anyway. He thinks a house should be functional and relaxing. Not a museum. Laundry should be done just often enough to have one clean pair of underwear and socks everyday. I cannot relax unless things are tidy. I cannot sleep well if the laundry is overflowing. Steve does not think it is necessary to make the bed since we will just be sleeping in it again later. (By the way...the whole two years we were in college together, he NEVER made his bed or even washed the blankets he slept with...EWWW.) I cannot start my day well if the bed is not made. I am not the best housekeeper. I have a sister and a mom who take the cake on this ability. However, I do like to keep things somewhat tidy. (If Jim is reading this...you come over at times when I haven't gotten to clean the kitchen yet...give me a break.) If I go into Steve's studio area, I am always on the verge of an anxiety attack because of the mess. There are wires, papers, more wires, and other musical paraphernalia all over the place. It is actually dangerous to your health to walk in that place barefoot. The mess doesn't bother him at all. In fact, that is where most of his genius is expressed. It is comfortable to him. It's weird how we find ourselves with people that are our polar opposites...isn't it? We are definitely a team, but we approach the game with two very different strategies. So far, his strategy seems to be the one the kids prefer following. You know that myth about the man who was cursed to roll a bolder up the side of a hill for eternity? Picture me rolling the bolder up hill and my family standing on the top throwing clothes, toys, and other out-of-place items down the hill on top of my boulder. That's how I feel sometimes.

But....I really couldn't be happier or more content. The alternative would mean me doing all this stuff and working a full time job. Steve's lack of cleaning abilities lends itself to being an amazing musician, which means he gets a lot of work, which means I get to stay home with my kids. It's not bad at all. Really. It's just funny. Funny because it is true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah - I made it onto the blog!
-the neighbor