Monday, March 3, 2008

The Dreaded Question

It happened today while we were in the car.

That question I knew was coming eventually, but thought I still had some time.

I wasn't prepared and therefore my response was fragmented and weak. I'm sure Haley was unimpressed and maybe slightly embarrassed by the stuttering buffoon her mother suddenly turned into.

We were listening to Dr. Laura on the radio. I like her show. It helps me treat my husband and kids better by listening to her perspective. I think I have always assumed that the kids aren't really listening. But today I found out I was wrong. One of the callers made the comment that she and her husband were "trying to have a baby."

Haley:, "How do you try to have a baby?"

Me: Gulp..."Ummm when you are married, it is something you and your husband decide to do together and if God decides it is the right time you get to have a baby...hey look it's Disneyland.

Kayci: So you talk about having a baby and your tummy hears it and gives you a baby.

Me: No, not really. God is the one who decides if you can have a baby.

Haley: Why do you need to talk about it with your husband if God is the one who decides to give people baby.

Me: That's a great question...umm err...this is actually something that we will talk about when you get a little older. There are somethings too hard for kids to understand. (And truthfully too hard for me to explain right now)

Kayci: I'm thirsty.

Me: Me too Kayci. Let's talk about things that would be good to drink right now.

I need to start putting some serious thoughts into this conversation. I don't think this is the end of their questions. No, no...I think this is only the beginning.

Two good things that happened:

1. I went to the chiropractor today, and it has been a month since I have gone. I really feel better. I am glad there is relief for the stress that accumulates in my neck and forces my spine into skewed positions.
2. I am getting the kids hair cut today. It has needed to be done for sometime and I am finally doing it!


Jodie said...

It's all downhill from here...

Anonymous said...

Haley is just now asking? Maggie has been asking for a while. I found a pretty good kid's book that helps. I'll show it to you if, I mean, when you come up at the end of the month. It's funny how you think you're giving a lame answer and that they won't be satisfied with it, but then, they don't ask anymore questions, at least for that day. I try, but just cannot imagine, or remember what is going through their little minds.

ksquared said...

My daughter will not ask any questions about it. She's nine and I knew if I did not tell her she would find out from other sources. I had given myself a deadline of June. I actually had an opportunity this past Sunday. I told her and she kept telling me that she did not want children. I have heard that some start their cycles as early as 9 and 10. Yikes! I took the approach of "you're old enough to know more things--remember we told you about Santa Clause and you kept it a secret from your sister. . . " Tell you more if you want.

--Karen, a retreat roomie