Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm Not Dead...yet

It's not that there hasn't been plenty to blog about lately. In fact, anyone who spends anytime around me, at all, hears me say..."This will definitely make it into a blog. " But alas, MY computer, has now become all FOUR of my kids' computer. Yes, I said 4. Steve has brought home something that has stolen my girls from me as well as my computer. He thought that he would share his tendency to be addicted to video games with the innocent minds of our children. He purchased LEGO Starwars. This was a present to Haley in March. Kayci lost our first copy of it soon after, Steve immediately replaced it with another. He has broken and lost things of mine that he has NEVER replaced...but that is another blog altogether. The girls now revolve their lives around this game. They wake up early in the morning to play. They want to play more than anything else. They hate homeschooling even more because it takes away from time on the computer. They don't want to play with their friends, unless they want to play Lego Starwars. Limits you ask? Oh, I have tried, but when the head of the household actually took his whole day off, 9 1/2 hours , to play himself...I have no hope for reinforcement of my rules. Sometimes being the only grown-up in the house is exhausting.

This has been my view of my family lately.

I am hoping, now that I have a few minutes to catch up on my blog, and my friend's blog that I can catch everyone up on what's been going on over here in Merrickland.

Stay tuned...don't give up on me yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that you should dress up like Princess Leia while you cook dinner, then they will pay more attention to you. But hey, for a birthday party you could get those lego candies and build star wars items out of them on a cake.