Saturday, February 14, 2009

Three Little Ladies and a Man

I think it is important to feel needed. In my darkest moments, when I feel like my life is not worth much, I am reminded by the crashing of a plate on the floor or a call to wipe a little bottom, or that gentle (not so subtle) reminder that my husband, too, has needs that I am needed in the lives of my three little ladies and one very needy man.

The Merrick little ladies have been sick. That about encompasses the last month. Steve never gets sick. He says it's because he drinks Mona Vi and takes Airborne. I personally think it is because he doesn't interact with us in close enough proximity or for long enough periods of time. It seems that Merrick girl #1 and #3 have developed allergies too. So we went from cold to allergies which looks like a cold when you don't know you have allergies. But my good nurse practitioner friend said to try children's Zyrtec and what do you know, symptoms gone. I'm a little discouraged about the kids having allergies, because I purposely nursed for a long period of time so that the kids would not suffer with this aliment that has plagued me my whole life. So, I'm guessing nursing 14months for Haley and 22 months for Courtney were obviously not long enough to ensure they would not have allergies. Maybe if I was still nursing, we would have avoided it all together. The social and psychological implications not withstanding, it may have been a good and cost effective idea in these uncertain economic times. I can see it now, the headline will read: "Homeschooling Mom Still Nursing her Kids, Arrested for Not Leaving Her Kids Alone." (This blog really did not start out to go in this awkward direction).

We have had ear infections, runny noses, runny eyes, coughs, and fevers. And any mother reading will know that this means I have not slept through the night since this black cloud of terror (did I mention I've been watching a lot of LOST?) has settled over the house. Lack of sleep will always lead to me getting sick. When I am sick and tired the black cloud of terror looks like Casper the friendly ghost. My patience level drops significantly and my desire to wait on or care for anyone almost completely disappears. My children have learned to be pretty self sufficient during these rare moments and manage to destroy the house a little quieter and quicker than normal and feed themselves on what they find under the table. When I emerge from my dungeon of sickness, red eyed and stuffed up, it is NOT as affirming as one may think to know and be reminded that I am desperately needed in the lives of three little ladies and a man.


Jodie said...

Be thankful he doesn't get sick, Dear. In my experience, when your husband gets sick, it is ten times worse than when you and all three kids get sick. Because they are so much more sick than you have ever been in your entire life. And they require more love and attention, not to mention nursing, than any of your kids EVER have.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I just finished "catching" up on your blogs :) You've made me laugh so many times (as well as want to reach out and give you a big reaffirming hug, that you are NOT alone :)!!!)

As always, thanks for opening up and sharing. We'll have to catch up on Lost talk... I'm excited to have someone else to bounce off "what the heck is happening"?!?! You have an advantage since you've watched them all in a row (and aren't scratching at the back, cob-webbed corners of your mind trying to "remember... who or what happened"... "way back when" :)!!!! So your insight will be even more refreshing.

Love you lots!!! And see you soon!

Mrs. Blue Eyes