Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cleaning is Something I should do more often

I have let my kids' rooms get out of control. I am ashamed to admit it, but it is very true...and even actually a little funny. I decided yesterday was going to be the day that I tackled my youngest two children's room. What started out as a well intentioned thorough cleaning, full of enthusiasm and high expectations, ended with a crazy woman purging toys and other objects that were found in their rooms by the trash bag full. I couldn't believe the mismatching toys, parts of games, used pull-ups, single socks, occasional pair of Elmo panties, or other various odds and ends that I found in there. It was actually like a treasure hunt, but imagine a treasure hunt where you would rather not find what was buried under all the toys.

Here are the top ten "best" things that I was surprised to find in my kids room:

1. Missing pieces from Candyland game
2. One domino (How have we even been playing the game without this one domino?)
3. 14 pencils
4. 4 markers with no caps
5. 9 socks, none of them with matches
6. 27 ponytail holders
7. 2 Dried out packages of wipes
8. smashed-into-my-carpet cherry lip balm (birthday gift to Courtney)
9. an old wet pull up sealed inside a plastic bin...the smell when I opened this bin was...well you can imagine

and the best thing that I found in my kids room was......

10. A sippy cup half full of chocolate milk from a week ago!! Yummy!! There really isn't anything better than finding soured milk. It is something I wish I could experience daily.

Number 10 was especially amusing to me because the kids are not allowed to even take water out of the kitchen, much less anything that actually spoils. I think I have lost control completely.

I actually believe that most of these findings were a result of Courtney's newest phase of rebelliousness. I say "No," and she hears, "Sure do what you want; you are the princess in this house." She is definitely scoring some good blog points these days. If I only had time to write about all of them.

So in conclusion I would like to invite everyone over to see Kayci and Courtney's clean room. After 3 hours of deep cleaning, the bio hazard people have declared it livable again. If you do come and visit please don't look at any other room in the house, or at the top of my fans. I'm doing the best I can while still maintaining my heavy television schedule. This includes, but is not limited to, 3different CSI episodes per week, HOUSE, and WITHOUT A TRACE. I am a loyal fan, and the casts of all these shows depend on my faithfulness.

Someone should be able to count on me. Right?


Anonymous said...

I'm rolling all over the ground! Believe it or not, I know what you mean, especially about the spoiled milk thing. I haven't yet experienced the wet pullup in a sealed bin, though. Yuck!

Very funny! I want to use "LOL" now. Does it mean "lots of laughter" or "laughing out loud"? Because I'm laughing out loud!

I liked the old design of your blog site, sorry. I just loved that green thing!

Anonymous said...

Whoa - Things are really improving if only the top of the fans are suspect.. Very impressice give yourself a bit ata-girl for getting the edges clean..

Jodie said...

Welcome Back! I missed you! Funny, I also purged the kids' rooms today for the very same reasons. Do you think kids keep a list (unknown to parents, of course) of all the things that should be kept in a room just to horrify the moms who clean it? Because I found many of the things that were on your list in my kids' rooms......