Monday, November 10, 2008

I need Something Funny on this Blog

I just reread my angry blog from last week. Wow, I was really fired up. Much has happened since that blog and it has only been one week.

Here is a quick summary. We elected a new president and while I am not a big fan of this new president, I can appreciate what this victory means for those who do like him. Aside from the fact that people are pretty sure that George Bush has single handedly tanked this country (which is lame to say). I am sure that for the African Americans in this country that have suffered unfair prejudice, being held back by the "man" are now celebrating, because "the most powerful man in the world" is now a black man. I know this is exciting and really the change that many were hoping for. I hope I get proven wrong about what I think this particular president means for our country...unfortunately, if anything goes wrong in this administration, it will still be George Bush's fault.

I had a great time with my family up in Bakersfield this past week. I love when we are all together. I love the laughing and the storytelling the most. It is awesome. My dad barbecued, my mom slaved over the trimmings and we had a great birthday celebration for my niece and nephew. Pregnant JRG was visiting from Oregon and Jonni was visiting from across town so the three of us were together. Most of the time, when we are together, we laugh a lot. Add my dad into the mix and the laughing is constant (as long as my dad stays awake). I wish I could communicate some of the funny moments this weekend, but I think I would have to conclude with "you just had to be there." I am very thankful for my family, quirks and all. I love that we really do enjoy being together and make efforts to make these events possible. I love that I still have two grandmas who can travel and get around well, who also love being with all of us. They have such great stories to tell and I am so glad they are still around to tell them.

I still haven't really come up with anything funny for today's blog, but I can give you the start of a joke I was thinking about while my grandma and sister and me were crossing the street:

"A grandma, a pregnant woman, and a middle aged mother walked into a bar...."

Please give me an ending for this joke...I think it has a huge amount of potential.


Anonymous said...

i have something funny. Sunday night at the show i was standing talking to my friends in the parking lot and Courtney calls me from the sidewalk with great urgency. I run over to hear what it is and she cups her hand and motions me to bend over. I lean my head down and she whispers in it, "Um... I have something for you to tell your friends...." "Ok, Court, I can tell them something what is it?" "um.... .... um... Knock knock." "... oh! um, who's there?" "Cocobird." "Cocobird who?" "There's a cocobird in the banana tree." *giggles* *I am giggling too* "Ok, Courtney, I'll make sure to go tell them. Now give me a hug goodbye." *hug* *scurry away inside* I was faithful and told my friends the joke. They enjoyed it very much. And now you have a funny story on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Just got caught up on your wonderful blogs :)

Hey, about the joke... I read the intro... really good..., but are you SURE they are three separate people... OR is it one person? That's All :)

Love, Mrs. Blue Eyes

Anonymous said...

one orders tequila, one orders a gimlet, and the last orders milk, hahhahahahahaahahahhahehheheheahhaahhahahha

Artie said...

OH my gosh I am in a vortex of time travel!!!!! my brain hurts. what year is this?!?! what planet am I on??
I just found both of my old jenny's in one day. I need a drink or something.

email me!!! or facebook me. I added you I think.

Kelly Harmel