Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Vadar Family

For you Star Wars fans out there that secretly hoped that once Darth revealed that he was good, went on to marry and have children. These photos are for you.

We had such a great time walking into our church party. No one knew who we were, but were very impressed to see a family of 5 Vadars marching into the church. I think once people found out it was actually Steve Merrick's family, they were even more impressed. I'm almost positive I heard a few, "I didn't know he was the type to dress up..." or "He's always so serious, it's nice to see a funny side..." Besides the sweltering heat inside the gym (and inside our costume) it was really a fun night.

Thanks Steve for coming up with and implementing the idea.


Mama Shoe said...

You guys are fun.
Just wanted to say hi and glad we got to chat that night. It's too bad that we don't live closer, or I'd send my kids to your akadimmy of higher lurning. =)

Anonymous said...

Maggie and Toby thought your pictures were funny and cool. Toby has a green light saber. They liked trying to guess who was who. Maggie hopes she will see you when we come to CA on Wednesday.